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What's important for us...


I built CPPIDS Technology™ Thrasher Media INC. to build a 5 second AmberAlert System

Testing back around in 2004/5/6 in a rural area of NC and worked flawless. Additional software has been built as well. 

Around this time, I offered CPPIDS to a large non-profit in child safety at my development cost, and they turned me down saying " CPPIDS Technology would put us out of a job".    DAMN... did I hear that right? ...  So I said Fuck 'EM, I'll just do it alone... and I have, mostly. I have paid for it all alone. 

All 20+  years, I have paid for everything alone from my US Navy retirement while working shit jobs so I can code nights and weekends, building forward with CPPIDS™ as a free system to end upto 70% of all missing kids, teens and even as they become adults...

 So when a non-profit ask for your money under the name of "children or kids", share with me and say the following: "Fuck 'Them Motherfuckers!" (I learned this phrase in the US Navy, Thanks Master Chief) .

So....moving forward without them;

JMThrasher™ built as sole Prop. business under NC law. I create or adapt software, SOPs and processes and global web platforms to build a better world for our kids. Sell nothing under AmberAlert®.

TheFUN® is a whole new platform I created as a stand alone program, not part of AmberAlert® but AmberAlert® is built into it as well as

Photo: US Navy 20 years, retired Honorable as a Certified HR Manager maintaining over 120,000 employee records and wrote the document automation software adopted by the US Navy used for every single Sailor.  Certified: Nuclear FZ Weapons Maintenance Technician, the first and last security of Nuclear weapons for US Navy.  Certified at Command LEO ( NAVY POLICE), Certified: Command Drug Uranalysis Supervisor,  Certified: SAT/BAF SWAT Team as well as Large Command DCTT Firefighter instructor. Certified:  AWSW & ESWS COMBAT Warrior as the Command Program Master Instructor updating and admin of program material and testing for over 170,000+/- sailors over 15 years.  So... You know of me and my professional Government Work history and you know...I got this.   So, I ask: Help me or at least get out of our way. - JMThrashrer

Donating is important

Help us building a new call center.

Note: We are not yet a 501c3